Friday, February 20, 2009

This is the anthem, throw all your hands up

I remember when Good Charlotte was cool.
It was sooo long ago.
Man I must be getting old.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Dear World....

So my friend and I were supposed to get together on thursday and chill and talk about some stuff, but she had to cancel on me because she forgot that she already made plans. I can deal with that. So we made plans to get together today for breakfast and she texts me at 7:30 this morning telling me that she stayed at work til 7 this morning and that she's really tired and that we will have to get together yet another time.
I'm a little annoyed.
It's Valentines Day.
The one day that's dedicated to showing each other love.
It's a load of crap.
You should show love everyday.
Poor Kat's at home with a cold.
My parents are off at my churches marriage retreat and I'm at home watching Pirates with my brother.
I'm a little bored to say the least.
I think I'm going to ask my brother if he wants to make cookies.
Maybe not.
He didn't help clean up last time.

I'm about to go in rant mode.
So I was in school on friday having a grand old time, when my friend Tom walks in the room and says "Olivia, what's wrong with your hair?" Me, being the glorious user of saracasm that I am, said "I was having wild sex!" This promted several [mean] comments about how I am choosing to stay a virgin till marriage. First off, I don't even know why you care. If you want to go have sex with some random person and get an STD then go right a-fucking-head. But I'm not going to become another teen-with-an-STD statistic. One in every four teeagers have Herpes. THAT'S FUCKING GROSS!! So why would I want to put myself in that situation?! Exactly! Secondly, just because I want to wait, doesn't mean you can bombard me with reasons why I shouldn't. Just becuase you didn't wait to find the right person and wished that you had, doesn't mean you can make me feel like shit because I want to. Also, it's a load of shit for you to single me out. Both my best friends feel [moderatly] the same way. So how come I'm the only one your making fun off?! That's right! You don't have a reason! So if your not going to call them out, don't call me out. And Yes! I choose not to have sex because I am [slightly] religious! BIG FUCKING WHOOP!!! Just because I'm [slightly] religious doesn't mean you have to make fun of me. I don't make fun of your religion, even though you claim you don't believe in a higher being. SO BACK THE FUCK DOWN!!!! And by the way, yes, I do believe that sex is something worth waiting for, even if you try to convince me otherwise. So butt the fuck out!! It's my life and I'll have sex if I want to have sex. And if I don't, FUCKING DEAL WITH IT!!!


Wednesday, February 11, 2009


So I was sitting in Mrs. M's class 7th period, because that's the period I intern for her, and there were all these kids in there.
Truth be told, it pissed me off.
I know they have somewhere to be, so just fucking go there.
I'm one to talk.
That's not my revelation.
I just like to hypocritically bitch about people.
So, like I said, I was in Mrs. M's class and I had this glorious revelation that boys in high school are so lame, that trying to act like I want them to care about me is such a waste of my time.
I know people have preconceived notions about me and they think I'm boring and such, and I won't lie, it annoys me, because I know that if people got to see the real me, they might actually like me.(holy run-on sentence batman) But I can honestly sit here and type that as of 7th period today, I really don't care what anyone thinks of me.
If they think I'm boring, or whatever they think, I don't care.
Because I'm graduating in 4 and half months.
That's why!!
It's soo lovely.
So think what you want of me.
Because in 4 months, I'll never see your sorry ass again=)
On another note, I'll miss Kat and Jess like mad (when I go off to college, that is).
Other than my family, I'm pretty sure they are the only people my age who give a rats ass about me. Which, to be quite blunt, hurts me to no end. But it's okay. Because I'd rather have the true love of only two people than the fake love of ten.
High school is so over rated and I honestly can't wait to leave.

Dear Chrstn S.,
You've seen me in Mrs. M's class and we've had some pretty intense convo's and I'm rather hurt that you have not asked my name yet. Well, here ya go. It's Olivia. So now when you find out what an awesome person I am, you don't sound like an idiot when you want to know name, even though we've known each other for months. Your a bigger ass than you seem.
P.P.S I'm sorry for calling you out. I guess you do know my name after all. All is forgiven![edited 2/14/09]

That ruined my revelation, but I needed to get it off my chest. I'm off to midweek, where I can be surrounded by people who pretend to like me.